Cage Requirements

We recommend a cage measuring a minimum of 23 inches long, 16 inches wide, and 16 inches tall for Gouldian finches. Although small, Gouldians are active birds, and are much healthier and happier in larger cages. Length is much more important than cage height. If you do have a taller, shorter cage make sure to put food and water towards the bottom of the cage so the birds can get exercise by flying up and down. Also, be sure bar spacing is appropriate for smaller birds, finches can get stuck or even escape in cages with bars spaced for larger birds such as parrots.


Gouldian finches are primarily seed eaters. As a base we recommend a high quality seed mix such as Higgins Vita Seed Finch. We offer our birds greens such as kale, broccoli, and carrot tops several times per week as well. Gouldians also enjoy spray millet as an occasional treat. If you plan on switching your finches to a pelleted diet, it is best to do this gradually by mixing pelleted food with seed for a couple weeks. If switched abruptly, some birds may not realize the pellets are food.


Gouldian Finches are cavity nesters and will readily use a nest box or covered wicker type finch nest for breeding. 4-7 white eggs are laid one per day until the fourth or fifth egg. At this time the male and female will take turns incubating the eggs for 15-16 days. The young hatch naked and helpless. Both the male and female will take turns feeding the young for 21-25 days until they leave the nest. The parents will continue to feed the young for 2-3 weeks after the young fledge. Once the babies are not begging and being fed by the parents they can be separated into their own cages. Gouldians will go through a molt at 4-6 months of age, losing their drab baby feathers and revealing the stunning plumage of adult birds. Gouldians are sexually mature at about six months of age, although young parents are sometimes less successful than older, more experienced pairs.