Published On: March 28, 2023363 words1.9 min read

Egg Binding In Gouldian Finches

Over the years I have found one of the biggest killers of gouldian finch hens is egg binding. In the article below we will investigate egg binding in gouldian finches as well as measures you can take to prevent and treat egg binding in gouldian finches.

Egg binding refers to an egg getting “stuck” inside a female bird in the process of laying. Gouldian finches seem to be prone to egg binding particularly when they are young or stressed. In order to combat egg binding in gouldian finches we need to increase the calcium intake of the hens as well as the vitamin d3 that is required for calcium absorption. Many gouldian finch keepers do not realize that calcium can not be absorbed without a d3 source.

For example; putting a cuttlebone in the cage is not enough by itself. Gouldian finches can receive vitamin d3 through sunlight if kept outside, it may be less of an issue. However; when kept inside (even with full spectrum lighting in my experience) gouldian finches will not receive sufficient vitamin d3 to absorb calcium required for egg laying.

In order to prevent egg binding in gouldian finches I recommend a liquid calcium supplement that includes vitamin d3. Morning bird liquid calcium is an excellent product that I highly recommend. When given according to the instructions on the bottle you can eliminate 95% of egg binding issues in my experience.

If you have a hen that is already egg bound you must act quickly! This condition is fatal within a matter of hours if the egg doesn’t pass. Morning bird calcium plus apply one or two drops to the affected bird if you. Place the hen in a cage with a heat lamp as well. This will help relax her muscles and pass the egg. Anytime a hen is affected by egg binding you should remove it from the breeding program for a minimum of 10-12 weeks while she recovers. Be sure to continue liquid calcium in the water during this time to help replenish diminished reserves.


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